
Friday, April 9, 2010

Picture Gallery 4, Kuala Lumpur Open 2010

Here are some random pictures of the scenes at the tournament hall of the ongoing Kuala Lumpur Chess Open 2010, 2nd Floor, Olympic Sports Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

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Pix 1. GM Luther Thomas(left), GM Cao Sang. Pix 2. WGM Fatianova Tatiana, RUS.08042010583

Pix 3. The organisers, Peter Long (left) and Andrew Ooi ( hard at work.

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Pix 4. WGM Irene K Sukander, INA.            Pix 5. Alfred Ting, MAS.

AmerHamzah-MAS    NajibWahab2-MAS

Pix 6. Ameir Hamzah, MAS.                             Pix 7. Najib Wahab, MAS.

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