
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hou Yifan Continues To Lead Jointly With Four Others, KL Open 2010

In a top of the seeds clash, Hou Yifan defended well as black and got a draw from Mchedishvili on the first board of the round 6 play this morning, 10th April 2010 at the tournament hall, 2nd Floor, Olympic Sports Hotel, Jalan Hang Jebat, Kuala Lumpur.

While her opponent from Vietnam, GM Nguyen Anh Dung, maintains his pressure on the lead with a draw on board 2.


Luther Thomas (picture above), GER, gets his win and joins Hou Yifan and Nguyen with 5.0 points. Another five pointer is IM Dimakiling Oliver who disposed of GM Cao Sang, CHN, on the fourth board this morning. GM Dzhumaev Marat also won his game against FM Yee Soon Wei on board 6. He too joins the elite group of five pointers.



Other takes of the tournament: IM Jimmy Liew drew with Malaysian chess prodigy, Yeoh Li Tian, Nik Ahmad Farouqi lost against a WGM, Ronnie Lim won his game against Indonesia’s WFM Medina, Timothy Capel lost to GM Wong, Marcus lost his game, WGM Melnikova won her game against Heikal, Mohd Nabil beats Nirav, Abdul Haq won against fellow Malaysian Nur Nabila, Ismail Ahmad lost, Amier Hamzah lost his game, Afiq Afyfy drew against fellow Malaysian Nur Najiha, Najib Wahab won his second point of the tournament, Alfred Ting won his game against Arjun.

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