
Friday, April 23, 2010

DATCC Under Expansion!

During the fourth round of play at the DATCC on Wednesday, 21st April 2010, it was glaringly obvious to all that entered the DATCC that the DATCC is about to expand further in terms of floor size.


Here is one picture where the original office of DATCC showing the walls have been brought down, where the old restaurant space used to be, has been expanded.

Behind Ian Udani and Yeap Eng Chiam is open space (darkly-lit area) where renovation work is being done.

Now with this new additional space, DATCC can accommodate more players in a tournament. So tournaments like Stonemaster Amateur Special Edition can be held here with, maybe, up to 100 players or slightly more.

How soon this renovation work will get done? This we will have to wait and see.

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