
Friday, April 30, 2010

The Star – Counter Attacks In World Chess Championship 2010

30 April 2010 – Today in The Star - Living by SS Quah, he discusses the drama unfolding at the World Chess Championship between GM Anand and GM Topalov of Bulgaria in Sofia, Bulgaria. SS Quah could only write about the first two games only. Where both players have won a game each. Each player with White appears to be winning. However the games have reached the fourth game on Wednesday, 28th April 2010. At this moment in time, Anand is leading with 2.5 points against 1.5 points for Topalov.

The fifth game will be played tonight, 30th April 2010 and can be followed at the usual websites on the internet.

You may read more at The Star’s website or click here.

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