
Friday, March 26, 2010

Ranking NF6 Invitational Masters Tournament 2010

Here are the rankings table for the NF6 Invitational Masters Tournament 2010 up to after round 5 (25 March 2010) where NM Kamalarifin Wahidduddin is leading with 5.0 points from five rounds of play.

Kamalarifin has won all his rounds so far, but he has not met the other two players who are in the top three right now. All of the five are in the middle and bottom table of the ten-player tournament.

In second place is Kamaluddin with 4.5 points, where he drew with his game against  Rahman Shamsol Baharin.

In third place is the up-and-coming youngster, Yeoh Li Tian who has four points from five rounds. Li Tian had two drawn games. One against Mohd Sapirin and the other against his dad, Yeoh Chin Seng.


Tournament organiser cum player, Abdul Aziz Abdul Shukor is currently bottom of the table with no points from five rounds. Maybe in the future rounds he might get a few points soon.

The NF6 Invitational Masters Tournament is a 9 round Swiss System and will be FIDE-rated.

For other results of the same tournament, please click here or read the previous posts on this blog.

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