
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rookie Tornado Chess Tournament 2010 – Picture Gallery

Here at the Dato’ Arthur Tan Chess Centre (DATCC) is the ongoing DATCC Rookie Tornado Chess Tournament 2010. Twenty-eight players are participating in the one-day 7 Swiss rounds of 25 minutes each per player per round.

Some notables are Syed Remizan, Hew Zhenjing, Goh Xin Yen and Ethan Wong are some familiar faces at Rookie Tornado Tourney.

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Pix 1. Syed Remizan Syed Sobri.         Pix 2. Hew Zhenjing.

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Pix 3. Ethan Wong.                    Pix 4. Score Board – Rookie Tornado


Pix 5. Rookie Tornado Scoreboard of Round 2.


Pix 6. The section of Rookie Tornado Tournament held at the far end of the DATCC hall.

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Pix 7. Goh Xin Yen.                               Pix 8. Participants of Rookie T.

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