
Saturday, February 6, 2010

First Saturday Classical Chess February 2010 Update 2!

During the first round of play, Lim Zhou Ren and Joshua Foong were battling it out on the first board at the First Saturday Classical Chess February 2010 at the Excel Chess Academy.

Lim Zhou Ren was thinking (Pix 1) and was about to make a winning (Pix 2)white move Be5… pinning the black rook at f6. Black could not save the rook and a few moments later resigned.


Pix 1. Joshua (L) vs Zhou Ren.  Pix 2. Position before white moved Be5.


Pix 3. Andrew (L) thinking hard on 2nd board

Andrew  and Jax Tham was facing it off in the second board in a very open game with both Kings losing their protecting pawns. Both players had chances to attack. At the time of posting, the game is still on-going. (The game was eventually drawn. Andrew missed his chance to win.)

Meanwhile Haslindah playing black lost to the younger Low Jun Jian. And younger sibling to Jun Jian, Low Jun Keat won against Daniyar. While Shamsuddin had a forfeit win over Alfred Ting.

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