
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Part 2, Picture Gallery, FSCC January 2010

The second part of the picture gallery of participating chess players of the First Saturday Classical Chess 2010 held at ECA, OUG, Kuala Lumpur on the 2-3 January 2010.
AndrewOoi AbdullahCheHassan
Pix 1. Andrew Ooi.                   Pix 2. Abdullah Che Hassan.
EthanWong GabrielSoong
Pix 3. Ethan Wong.                  Pix 4. Gabriel Soong.
JaxTham Ho Joon Ming
Pix 5. Jax Tham, organiser.       Pix 6. Ho Choon Ming.
LimZhouRen4 YatGuoJie
Pix 7. Lim Zhou Ren.            Pix 8. Yat Guo Jie.
(photographed by firey_rook.)

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