
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Round 4 Results, 2nd National Junior Chess Championship 2009

KL Skyline At Night in HDRImage via Wikipedia
Here are the round 4 results of the 2nd National Junior Chess Championship 2009, currently being played at the Pusat Kecemerlangan Sukan Cochrane, Cochrane, Kuala Lumpur from 16th-20th December 2009.
Boys’ Category
In the boys’ category Sumant Subramaniam won his top of the board game against Low Jun Jian. Wong Jianwen drew his game against Mark Siew. WFM Nur Nabila bt Azman Hisham, the only girl in the boys category, out maneuvred, Muhammad Izz Saifuddin (the First Saturday Classical Chess December 2009 Champion) with a solid win. Yeap Eng Chiam won as black against Roshan Singh, an up-and-coming chess player. Muhd Nabil b. Azman Hisham (the Deepavali Champion) won his game against my DATCC team mate, Tan Jun Feng. Justin Ong Way manages a win over Shreyes a/l Subramaniam, younger brother to Sumant. Yat Guo Jie drew his game against Ahmad Afiq Afyfy b Rosli. While Muhd Syakir Shazmeer b Azhar won as black against Lucas Matthew Dutton. Muhd Irfan Haqqim b Azhar, younger brother to Muhd Syakir, won his game against Tan Soon Keat. Amier Hamzah Mohd Zuhri, fresh from his foray in the London Chess Classic 2009 drew his game agains Sunil a/l Kalivanan. Fikri b. Saleh, son to GiLoCatur, won his game against Muhd Faris b. Aminuddin, son to one of my office colleagues. Mohd Faizal b. Roslan, another formidable player, won his game against Ng Han Loong.
Girls Category
In the girls category, WCM Nur Najihah bt Azman Hisham is showing her true colours as a strong chess player and won against another determined and strong player, Amira Shahmina bt. Zullkafli, the only girl player with an international rating.

Ranking for Top 29 (Boys)
Ranking for Top 20 (Girls)
(source: Azwan b Abdul Rahman)
(posted by firey_rook;
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