
Friday, January 1, 2010

Picture Gallery of New Year Countdown Blitz 2010, 31 December 2009

Kuala Lumpur's historical and vibrant cultural...Image via Wikipedia
The recent New Year Countdown Blitz 2010 was held at the Excel Chess Academy, OUG, Kuala Lumpur on the evening of 31 December 2009. There were about 22 players all.
The winner was Muhd Nabil b Azman Hisham. Second was Abdullah Che Hassan and third Justin Ong Way.
Najib Wahab and Azhar Md Said assisted as arbiters for the event.
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Picture 1. Hall with new air cond.  Picture 2. Najib + Jax Tham (intro)
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Picture 3. M Nabil A H, winner.  Picture 4. Abdullah, second.
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Picture 5. Justin Ong W, third.   Picture 6. Kausal K, fourth.
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Picture 7. Jax vs Irfan.              Picture 8. Najib in action.
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Picture 9. Syazmeer v Najib.     Picture 10. Guo Jie vs Iskandar.
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Picture 11. Nur Nabila vs Kaushal. Picture 12. Justin vs M Nabil.
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Picture 13. Siblings – Nur & Muhd. Picture 14. Nor Azman, fifth.
(picture by firey_rook)
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