
Friday, December 4, 2009

Both Mas and Yee Weng Gets Draw in Round 3, 2nd Dragon Capital Vietnam Open 2009

In Ho Chin Minh City, Vietnam, the 2nd Dragon Capital Vietnam Open 2009 is going on and our two top Malaysian Chess players, IM Mas and IM Yee Weng are participating.

During the 3rd Round, both Malaysian players managed a draw each and now stand at two points for IM Mas and 1.5 point for IM Yee Weng.

Below is the fourth round pairing where IM Mas will meet India’s IM Sharma Dinesh (2329) while IM Yee Weng will meet Le Quang Long, Vietnam (2286).


IM Mas Hafizulhelmi is chasing his GM-norm while IM Yee Weng would like to stamp his mark as a respectable International Master, and eventually his own GM title.


The tournament schedule is shown in the picture above and is running from 02 December 2009 til 09 December 2009 with generally two rounds of play except for Saturday and Sunday where a single round is played.

Malaysians await their full performance in this tournament with hope.

For readers interested in the tournament website of the 2nd Dragon Capital Vietnam Open 2009, please visit the following link :-

(posted by firey_rook;

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