
Friday, November 13, 2009

End Game - Clearance

Black's extra pawn confers obtrusive advantage, and if allowed to play 1....d5, he wins comfortably. White's natural try is 1.Ke4, but after 1....Kf8  2. Kd4 Ke7 (2.....f5 is also good)  3. Kd5 f5, he loses both e-pawn and the game. White must strike immediately to derive benefit from his aggressively placed King. The solution? He can dump his e-pawn to push Black's King out of the picture. Therefore, 1. e7 Kf7   2. e8/Q+  Kxe8. Now White must tread carefully, as 3. Kxf6? Kd7   4. Kf5 Kc6  5. Ke4  let's Black's King reach the critical outside square, 5....Kc5. The right way is 3. Ke6! f5  4. Kxf5 Kd7  5. Ke4 Kc6 6. Kd4, and White recovers just in time.

1. e7          Kf7
2. e8/Q+   Kxe8
3. Ke6       f5
4. Kxf5     Kd7
5. Ke4      Kc6
6. Kd4

(source: Pandolfini's ENDGAME Course)

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