
Friday, August 21, 2009

Analysis of Game vs Sahir, 17ChessClub

On the 7th August 2009, firey rook had played Sahir of 17chessClub in the Shah Alam Chess League 2009 in Shah Alam, Selangor. The game played the French Opening where firey rook played white. It was a fairly balanced game. In the end, firey rook ran out of time. At move 15, firey rook took a long think and again at move 21. To stop the attack on the pawn at h2, the knight was positioned at e5, blocking the black's bishop at d6. Black had a strong control on the h2-b8 diagonal with the Black Queen at c7 providing pivotal support. In the end, Black was a pawn up and was slowly gaining ground. The endgame was a rook vs rook with fairly equal chances. Due to time constraints, the last few moves could not be recorded. However, firey rook append the analysis of the game using Fritz 11 below. Firey rook played on second board. Overall GiLoCatur Gambit lost against 17 Chess Club, 0-4, forfeiting on the fourth board due to insufficient players.

(9) Firey_rook (GiLoCatur Gambit) - Sahir Sarifdin (17 Chess Club) [C00]
Liga Catur Shah Alam 2009 Shah Alam, Selangor, 07.08.2009
C00: French: Unusual White 2nd moves 1.e2-e4 e7-e6 2.Ng1–f3 d7-d5 3.Bf1–b5+ Bc8-d7 4.Bb5xd7+ Nb8xd7 5.Nb1–c3N [5.e4xd5 e6xd5 6.0–0 Ng8-f6 (6...Bf8-d6 7.d2-d4 Ng8-f6 8.Rf1–e1+ Bd6-e7 9.Bc1–g5 0–0 10.Nf3-e5 Rf8-e8 11.Ne5xd7 Qd8xd7 12.Nb1–c3 c7-c6 13.Qd1–d2 h7-h6 14.Bg5-h4 Nf6-h5 15.Bh4xe7 Re8xe7 16.Re1xe7 Qd7xe7 17.Ra1–e1 Qe7-d7 18.Qd2-e3 Kg8-f8 19.Nc3-e2 Ra8-e8 20.Qe3-f3 Nh5-f6 21.Ne2-g3 Aslan,O-La Rosa,A/ICC INT 2009/Mega2009 Update 11/0–1) 7.d2-d4 (7.Qd1–e2+ Bf8-e7 8.d2-d3 0–0 9.h2-h3 Rf8-e8 10.Nf3-g5 Be7-b4 11.Qe2-f3 Nd7-e5 12.Qf3-g3 d5-d4 13.c2-c3 d4xc3 14.b2xc3 Bb4xc3 15.Nb1xc3 Ne5xd3 16.Bc1–a3 Nf6-h5 17.Qg3-h4 Nh5-f4 18.Qh4xh7# 1–0 Ludewig,A-Banert,M/Sebnitz 2002/EXT 2003) 7...Bf8-e7 8.Nb1–c3 h7-h6 9.Rf1–e1 0–0 10.Bc1–f4 Rf8-e8 11.Nc3-b5 Be7-d6 12.Nb5xd6 c7xd6 13.Bf4xd6 Nd7-b6 14.Re1xe8+ Nf6xe8 15.Bd6-e5 Nb6-c4 16.b2-b3 Nc4-a3 17.Qd1–e2 Ra8-c8 18.Ra1–c1 Rc8-c3 19.h2-h3 Qd8-c8 Mundaray,J-Perez Ponsa,F/Guaymallen 2001/EXT 2002/½–½ (45); 5.d2-d3 Ng8-f6 6.Nb1–c3 Bf8-e7 7.Bc1–g5 0–0 8.Bg5xf6 Nd7xf6 9.Nf3-e5 d5xe4 10.d3xe4 Qd8xd1+ 11.Ra1xd1 Ra8-d8 12.0–0 Rd8xd1 13.Rf1xd1 Rf8-d8 14.Rd1xd8+ Be7xd8 15.Nc3-b5 a7-a6 16.Nb5-c3 b7-b5 17.b2-b3 c7-c5 18.a2-a4 b5-b4 19.Ne5-c6 Bd8-c7 Kopnicka,H (1350)-Kahancova,J (1350)/Liptovsky Mikulas 2005/EXT 2008/0–1 (60); 5.e4xd5 e6xd5 6.0–0 Bf8-d6=] 5...c7-c6 Consolidates b5 [5...d5xe4 6.Nc3xe4 Ng8-f6 7.d2-d3=] 6.0–0 d5xe4 7.Nc3xe4 Ng8-f6 8.Rf1–e1 Bf8-e7 9.d2-d4 0–0 10.c2-c3 Prevents intrusion on b4 10...Nf6xe4 11.Re1xe4 Nd7-f6 12.Re4-e5 Be7-d6 Black threatens to win material: Bd6xe5 13.Re5-e1 Qd8-c7 14.Qd1–c2 h7-h6 Covers g5 15.Nf3-e5 [Diagram 1. White knight at e5 blocks the path of Black bishop at d6] Nf6-d7 [15...c6-c5 16.Bc1–e3³] 16.f2-f4 c6-c5 17.Ne5xd7 [17.Bc1–e3 Rf8-d8=] 17...Qc7xd7³ 18.Bc1–e3 Ra8-c8 [18...c5xd4 19.Be3xd4 Bd6xf4 20.Ra1–d1³] 19.Qc2-f2 [19.Ra1–d1 c5xd4 20.Be3xd4 Rf8-d8= (20...Bd6xf4? doesn't lead to anything significant 21.Bd4-e5 Bf4xh2+ 22.Kg1xh2+-) ] 19...Qd7-c6 [19...c5-c4 20.Ra1–d1=] 20.Ra1–c1 [20.d4xc5 Bd6xc5 21.Be3xc5 Qc6xc5 22.Qf2xc5 Rc8xc5²] 20...c5xd4 [20...c5-c4 21.f4-f5=] 21.Be3xd4= Bd6-c5 22.b2-b4 [¹22.Bd4xc5!? is an interesting alternative 22...Qc6xc5 23.Qf2xc5 Rc8xc5 24.Rc1–d1²] 22...Bc5xd4³ 23.Qf2xd4 b7-b6 [23...Rf8-d8 24.Qd4-f2³ (24.Qd4xa7?? a poisoned pawn 24...Rd8-d2 25.Qa7-f2 Rd2xf2 26.Kg1xf2 Qc6-b6+ 27.Kf2-f3 Rc8-c4–+) ] 24.a2-a3 [24.Re1–d1!?= is worth looking at] 24...Rf8-d8µ 25.Qd4-e3 Rd8-d7 [25...Qc6-c4 26.Rc1–d1µ] 26.Re1–e2 Rc8-d8 27.c3-c4 Rd7-d3 28.Qe3-e4 Qc6xe4 29.Re2xe4 Rd3xa3 30.c4-c5 [30.Re4-e2µ] 30...b6xc5?? Black has let it slip away [¹30...Rd8-d2–+ would have made live much easier for Black] 31.b4xc5³ White has a new passed pawn: c5. Black has a new passed pawn: a7. 31...Rd8-c8 32.Re4-d4 Ra3-a5 Exerts pressure on the isolated pawn [32...Kg8-f8 33.c5-c6³] 33.c5-c6 He broke from his leash 33...Ra5-d5 Black threatens to win material: Rd5xd4 34.Rd4-c4 Rc8-c7 35.Rc1–b1 Rd5-d8 36.Rb1–b7 White threatens to win material: Rb7xc7 36...Rd8-c8 37.Kg1–f2 Rc7xc6 38.Rc4xc6 Rc8xc6 39.Rb7xa7 0–1

Diagram 2. After move 21, white has it bishop at d4 and supported by the c3 pawn and Queen at f2. 
Diagram 3. End position after white moved 39. Rxa7.

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