
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

36th Selangor Chess Open 2009

Firey_rook had entered the 36th Selangor Chess Open held from 30th April till 3rd May 2009 at the Dato' Arthur Tan Chess Centre, 4th Floor Car Park, Kompleks Wilayah, Kuala Lumpur.

I played a player by the name of Wan Aizuddin Wan Ramli and the Sicilian Dragon opening was played by black. I enjoyed the game thoroughly as it was an opening that I had just been practising on my own as white. It had happened to be my only win as white for the tournament.

At move 22, white played 22Rxg6! The white rook at g6 cannot be taken because the pawn at f7 was pinned by the white bishop at b3. So black was forced to play 22... e6. White quickly took the initiative by 23 Rxg7! taking the Dragon bishop! Black's game quickly came to an end a few moves later.

White played 22. Rxg6! e6 for a decisive white win.

(9) Firey_Rook - Wan Razali,Wan Aizuddin (1580) [B72]
36th Selangor Chess Open 2009 (7), 02.05.2009
[Fritz 11 (4m)]
B72: Sicilian Dragon: 6 Be3, lines with h3+Bc4 and sidelines 1.e2-e4 c7-c5 2.Ng1–f3 d7-d6 3.d2-d4 c5xd4 4.Nf3xd4 Ng8-f6 5.Nb1–c3 g7-g6 6.Bf1–c4 Bf8-g7 7.Bc1–e3 Nf6-g4 8.Qd1–d2 [8.Bc4-b5+ Ke8-f8 9.0–0 a7-a6 10.Bb5-c4 Nb8-c6 11.Nd4xc6 b7xc6 12.Be3-d4 Ra8-b8 13.h2-h3 Bg7xd4 14.Qd1xd4 Ng4-e5 15.Bc4-b3 g6-g5 16.Nc3-d1 Rh8-g8 17.Qd4-e3 Rg8-g6 18.f2-f3 a6-a5 19.Nd1–f2 Bc8-a6 20.Rf1–d1 c6-c5 21.Bb3-a4 Qd8-b6 22.b2-b3 h7-h5 Domnitz,Z (2330)-Kaldor,A (2395)/Netanya 1976/EXT 2003/0–1 (59)] 8...Ng4xe3 9.Qd2xe3 0–0 [9...Nb8-c6 10.Nd4-f3 0–0 11.h2-h4 h7-h5 12.0–0–0 Nc6-a5 13.Bc4-b3 Na5xb3+ 14.a2xb3 Qd8-a5 15.Kc1–b1 Bc8-g4 16.Rd1–d5 Qa5-a6 17.Nf3-h2 Bg4-e6 18.Rd5-d1 Rf8-c8 19.g2-g4 h5xg4 20.h4-h5 g6xh5 21.Qe3-g5 Kg8-f8 22.Nc3-d5 Be6xd5 23.e4xd5 Qa6-e2 24.Rd1–d2 Schulz,A (1402)-Doberitz,P (1761)/Leutersdorf 2006/CBM 110 ext/0–1 (36)] 10.0–0–0 Nb8-d7N [10...Nb8-c6 11.Nd4xc6 (11.Nd4-e2 Nc6-a5 12.Bc4-d3 Bc8-e6 13.f2-f4 Na5-c4 14.Bd3xc4 Be6xc4 15.g2-g4 Qd8-a5 16.a2-a3 Rf8-c8 17.Nc3-d5 Bc4xd5 18.e4xd5 Rc8-c7 19.f4-f5 Ra8-c8 20.c2-c3 b7-b5 21.Ne2-d4 Rc7xc3+ 22.b2xc3 Rc8xc3+ 23.Qe3xc3 Qa5xc3+ 24.Nd4-c2 Bg7-h6+ 0–1 Reszka,M (2091)-Kulozik,A (1800)/Wisla 2000/EXT 2005; 11.Nd4-b3 Nc6-e5 12.Bc4-d3 Bc8-e6 13.f2-f4 Ne5xd3+ 14.Rd1xd3 Be6-c4 15.Rd3-d2 Bc4xb3 16.c2xb3 Qd8-a5 17.Kc1–b1 Rf8-c8 18.Rh1–c1 Rc8-c6 19.Rd2-c2 Ra8-c8 20.Qe3-d3 e7-e6 21.Nc3-e2 Qa5-b6 22.Rc2xc6 Rc8xc6 23.Rc1xc6 Qb6xc6 24.Qd3-c4 Qc6-c5 25.Qc4xc5 d6xc5 Svendsen,A (1004)-Eliassen,E (1760)/Karmoy 2003/EXT 2005/0–1 (61)) 11...b7xc6 12.Kc1–b1 Qd8-a5 13.Rd1–d3 Ra8-b8 14.Kb1–a1 Qa5-b4 15.Bc4-b3 c6-c5 16.a2-a3 Qb4-b7 17.Rh1–b1 Qb7-a6 18.f2-f4 c5-c4 19.Bb3xc4 Qa6xc4 20.e4-e5 Bc8-e6 21.b2-b3 Qc4-a6 22.Ka1–a2 Rf8-c8 23.e5xd6 e7xd6 24.Nc3-e4 Rc8xc2+ 25.Rb1–b2 Lopez Fuentes,F (1750)-Alonso Moyano,J (2190)/Barcelona 1996/EXT 2001/0–1] 11.h2-h4 a7-a6 12.h4-h5 Nd7-e5 13.Bc4-b3 Bc8-g4 14.f2-f3 Bg4xh5 15.g2-g4 Ne5xg4 16.f3xg4 Bh5xg4 17.Rd1–g1 Qd8-d7 18.Kc1–b1 [18.Qe3-g5 and White can already relax 18...Rf8-e8 19.Rg1xg4 e7-e6+-] 18...b7-b5 19.Nd4-f3 [¹19.Qe3-g5 secures victory 19...Bg4-h3 20.Nc3-e2+-] 19...h7-h5 20.Rg1xg4 Qd7xg4 21.Rh1–g1 Qg4-d7 22.Rg1xg6 e7-e6 23.Rg6xg7+! taking over the initiative 23...Kg8xg7 24.Qe3-g5+ Kg7-h8 25.Qg5-f6+ [¹25.Qg5-h6+ makes sure everything is clear 25...Kh8-g8 26.Nf3-g5+- f7-f6 27.Bb3xe6+ Rf8-f7 28.Qh6-h7+ Kg8-f8 29.Qh7-h8+ Kf8-e7 30.Nc3-d5#] 25...Kh8-g8 26.Nf3-g5 Qd7-a7 27.a2-a3 [¹27.Nc3-e2+- might be the shorter path] 27...Qa7-g1+ 28.Kb1–a2 Rf8-e8 29.Qf6xf7+ [29.Qf6xf7+ Kg8-h8 30.Qf7-h7#] 1–0

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